Models - Climate System Model
more...BCC_CSM 1.1(m)
BCC_CSM 1.1(m) BCC_CSM1.1(m) is developed based on the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model version 1.1 (BCC_CSM1.1) with a moderate resolution. The major difference between BCC_CSM1.1(m) and BCC_CSM1.1 is the model resolution in their atmospheric component. The atmospheric component in BCC_CSM1.1(m) is the BCC_AGCM2.2at T106 horizontal resolution and 26 verticallayers, and the land model is BCC_AVIM1.0 with a same horizontal resolution as the atmospheric model. The ocean component and sea...... |
more...BCC_CSM 1.1
BCC_CSM1.1 is the version 1.1 of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model (BCC_CSM1.1) developed at the Beijing Climate Center (BCC), China Meteorological Administration (CMA), based on NCAR CCSM2.0.1. It is a fully coupled global climate–carbon model including interactive vegetation and global carbon cycle, in which the atmospheric component BCC_AGCM2.1, ocean component MOM4-L40, land component BCC_AVIM1.0, and sea ice component SIS are fully coupled and interact with each other through...... |
more...BCC_CSM 1.0
BCC_CSM1.0 is the first-generation of climate system model developed at the Beijing Climate Center (BCC), China Meteorological Administration, based on NCAR CCSM2.0 (Kiehl and Gent, 2004). It composes of four separate model components linked by central coupler CPL5 (Kauffman, 2006): the atmospheric component BCC_AGCM2.0.1 (Wu et al., 2010), land-surface component CLM3 (Dickinson et al., 2006), the oceanic component POP (Smith and Gent, 2002) and sea-ice component CSIM4 (Briegleb et al., 2004). The...... |
more...BCC_CM 1.0
Through the key project of short-term climate prediction in the national "Ninth Five-Year Plan" and its enhancement project, a global ocean-atmosphere coupled model with mediate resolution has been established in Beijing Climate Center, which is named as BCC_CM1.0. The global ocean-atmosphere coupled model is established in open oceanic surface based on global atmospheric circulation model T63L30 AGCM_1.0 and global ocean circulation model L30T63 OGCM_1.0 through Daily Flux Anomal...... |