Models - Ocean Model
MOM4_L40 is a global oceanic general circulation model (OGCM) with a tripolar grid of Murray (1996). The horizontal resolution is 1° longitude by 1/3° latitude between 10°S and 10°N ranged to 1° at 30°S, 30°N polarward, and there are 40 z-levels in the vertical. The two northern poles of the curvilinear grid are shifted to land areas over North America and Eurasia, respectively. The first 20 levels are placed between the surface and the 200-m depth of the upper ocean. MOM4_L40......
more...T63L30 OGCM
Introduction During the 9th Five-Year National Development Plan period, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Science, NCC, and the State Oceanic Administration collaboratively developed a global oceanic circulation model (T63L30 OGCM_1.0), a high-resolution Indian Ocean-Pacific basin model and a thermodynamic-dynamical sea-ice model. The OGCM model was developed on the basis of the IAP’s 20-layer oceanic model (with 4 x 5 degrees resolution). Its horizo......